"Jens’s color sense is a strong part of his vision that does not distract from his view of the world.
A great story of an excellent Street Photographer."
Sey Rosen (Israel)
Holger Thauer (Germany)
"Excellent portfolio of amazing images. The images are well visualized using a good combination of composition and light! My
Also, congratulations on being a published photographer in EyePhotoMagazine!"
Ali Khataw (USA)
"Your photos are
quite unique ...
with focus on seemingly ordinary images, you manage to turn them into
something of significance.
thanks for sharing the products of your skill !"
Megan Clearly; (Austalia9;
" Starke Streetfotografie, durch deinen Stil einzigartig.
Die eigene Handschrift ist gefunden. Gratulation."
brigitte h. (germany)
"Amazing eye for detail. Great street photography"
Denise Potter (spain)
..."Deine Handschrift finde ich GANZ STARK .... Du hebst dich von der grossen Masse ab
......einfach nur Top was du hier zeigst" ...
Reto Previtali (Switzerland)
"J'adore la photo de rue de qualité et avec de la poésie"
Pascal Durif (France)
"Nice selections"
Yuzo Fujii (Japan)
"It's outstanding dedication to the Fine Art of Street Photography"
Donald Allen (USA)
"Its raw street life photography in an artistic expression."
Roy Wilkins (Australia)
"Geniale intuizone compositiva ... solo tanti!"
Paolo Zucchini (Italy)
"Ganz wunderbar!"
Max Kling (Germany)
"Really great shots!
Andrea Zirger (Canada)
"J'adore l'esprit de tes photos, superbe!"
Jef Guillot (france)
"Le tue foto hanno sempre un loro fascino . Complimenti!"
Vittorio Fabianelli (Italy)